Corn Sweet Yellow

    Corn Sweet Yellow


    Corn Sweet Yellow Seeds

    This terrific super sweet hybrid Corn still considered by many to be the finest all-around strain available. It has good vigor and consistent production and an excellent balance of sweetness to rich flavour. This variety has superior holding quality and is resistant to both rust and common dwarf mosaic. Irrigation is essential.

    25-30 Seeds/Package Untreated

    When planting in rows, space the seed 10-15 cm (4-6″) apart, later thinning to 20-30 cm (8-12″) apart with the rows 55-75 cm (22-30″) apart. To ensure proper pollination, plant at least 3 to 4 rows. Corn can also be planted with 3 to 4 seeds per hill in hills spaced 30 cm (12″) apart. Plant 250 gr (1/2 lb) to a 30 m (100′) row; 4.5-6.8 kg (10-15 lbs) per acre. Work in a good general vegetable fertilizer at planting, keep weeds under control and the soil evenly watered through the season. Sow only when soils have warmed to 18 C. Some years this happens in mid May, other years we need to wait until late May or early June.