Vegetable Seeds  / Heirloom / Non GMO

Heirloom & Non GMO vegetable seeds, which is an acronym that stands for genetically modified organism. None of the seed lots we sell are GMO’s. However, we do carry some naturally formed hybrid varieties. Hybrids are a product of cross pollination between two or more plants from the same species that will help prevent plant disease. 

Store Non GMO heirloom vegetable seeds in a cool dry place and they will keep for years to come.

Vegetable Seeds (Non GMO) (82)

Pepper Bell California Wonder


Pepper Bell Red (Quadrato Rosso D’ Asti)


Pepper Bell Yellow Wonder (Quadrato Giallo D’ Asti)


Pepper Hot Cayenne


Pepper Mint Herb


Pepper Sweet Corno Di Toro Rosso (Sheppard)


Pepper Sweet Yellow Corno Di Toro Giallo


Poplar Mushroom Pioppino Mycelium


Pumpkin Mammoth Gold


Romaine Lettuce Winter
