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The Light Kit is still available today and is great for a variety of growing applications. The Light Kits come standard with a 6400K grow lamp pre-installed.
SunBlaster 48" T5HO Fixture & Bulb is great for propagation of seedlings, cutting or getting your plants started right from seed. The 6400K grow lamp will also grow to finish many leafy green products , baby greens and all kinds of herbs.
Cannabis clones love the SunBlaster 6400K light spectrum and have been used for years by Commercial & Home Growers alike for getting their Cannabis plants off to their very best starts.
We have a three different lighting spectrum lamps available for our SunBlaster T5HO Lighting Kits and Combos.
You can increase the already outstanding performance of these T5HO Light Kits, and maximize performance, by adding our NanoTech T5 Reflector.